30 December 2007

Sight picture, trigger press

From the Soldier side: When asked: "CI-Roller dude, how did you get your team and yourself to keep going out over and over whilst in Iraq?"
I know some of you reading this are in leadership positions, and others are, but don't yet know it. I used a combination of things to get my team and the teams I took over to keep going. I didn't tell when we were going into Falljuah on our first mission, I could tell my lads were a little uptight the morning we got up before the mission. I looked at them and could see it on their faces. As we loaded stuff from our tin cans (trailers) to take with us, I told them: "we need to go eat a big breakfast! Eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, orange juice, toast, everything we can eat!"
The younger soldier looked at me and had a puzzled face and said: "I'm not sure I can eat anything right now..."
I looked him right in the eyes and said: "Men, you can't shit your pants in fear on an empty stomach."
That got them to breath, laugh and we had chow and drove on..... Don't forget the basics! Sight picture, trigger press...control your breathing.... LIVE!
I promise, Mission to Mosoul is coming soon....


Anonymous said...

breathe....O2 to the brain is always good...good tip, soldier. Humor sure comes in handy too...

anon said...

Thats brilliant leadership, Dude.