Merry Christmas...How many people didn't get what they wanted for Christmas? If you answered: "Me" then you must have set your expectations too high. All I wanted for Christmas was a BAR, and I didn't get it...but I'll be OK.
The Falljuh Christmas story had a happy ending... what did you expect?
However, while my team was in Falljuh, our main base of operations was in Baghdad...so everything our family and friends sent us for Christmas was sitting there. Our commander said they would bring up the boxes waiting for us...but they never came. So, we got back to Baghdad a few days after New Years Day... and that will lead into another story later.
All I wanted for Christmas was a BAR, and I didn't get it...but I'll be OK.
Okay...what is it that you are drooling over and how could you NOT get it? lol
... I wanted one too and didnt get it... and a bunch of other things too.
I won't be ok.
I'll cry...
and cry...
and cry...
then drink.
CI-Roller says:
Don't ask for anything for Christmas then you won't be dissapointed...
I think deployments are harder on the spouses than those deployed...after all, we get free food, ammo and we get to be around a bunch of other people who are miserable tooo...
yeah...but i get booze. (legally...at least)
but the "drink" destroys the brain cells...look at me...as an example of what you'll be like in 30 years!
This is the hardest time of the year for a deployment... chew nails and be tough...
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