(U//Unclassified stuff) These are some of the stories from over 30 years of police work and over 20 years of US Army and National Guard adventures. “It’s not an adventure unless some part of it sucks!” ©2007-2013

25 May 2008
Some people think....
I still have some very nice people say things like: "thank you for your service..." etc. I always say: "thanks."
Some people say things like: "thanks for risking your life" or "thanks for putting your life on the line."
Again, I always tell these nice folks: "thank you."
But, I have to admit something. I had very little intention of "risking" my life. Yeah, I got mortared a shitload of times and even had one little assholeinsurgentturd shoot at us one day...(he missed.)
But, I had no intention of getting killed. I carried an M-4 with 9 mags, a M9 with 7 mags. My intention was not to "die for my country."
My intention was to: "Make the Insurgentasshole die for his cause."
(I kind of stole this concept from General Patton...."A lot of people think it's Nobel to die for your country. Bullshit, make the other asshole die for his!!!")
Go enjoy your Bar B Que and have good American beer and have one for those little insurgentassholes who can't drink and will some day die for their useless cause....and they really won't get 72 virgins and all that crap.
17 May 2008
LOOK TOUGH, and maybe nobody will mess with you
15 May 2008
How come nothing is getting done?
From the Soldier side: Remember I was going to tell the next chapter in: "My useless adventures in Iraq."? Well, here it is. My next assignment gave me a whole new team. My old team was split up and given to other team leaders to go on a do great things. (I'm kidding) So, my new team was made up of almost all regular Army soldiers, with one guy from my National Guard unit in CA. I guess the regular Army guys didn't mind me being their boss, because they never complained. I did take them out and really teach them how to shoot, as a bonus.
Our new mission? I can only say that we were tasked with looking into why some things were not getting done in Iraq. (something to do with re-construction) Of over 1,100 jobs in the Baghdad area alone, do you know how many got built? Zero! They couldn't even find over 300 of the jobs! When I read later in the news about Army officers etc getting arrested for stealing or loosing so much money, I lauged my ass off.
So,anyways... some friggen genius in Head Quarters thought that we could do even more stuff by traveling all over the friggen country. I learned a lot...Iraq sucks. It sucks really bad. It's hot, dry, smells, with stupid useless people all over the place. So, as part of the great plan that I seemed to have no control over, we went back to Fallujah, Iraq. This time I'd get to look around down town more and see WTF was going on-- first hand.
We arrived via Black Hawks to Camp Fallujah. I was to report to a US Army Engineer officer. Nice guys, I used to be a Combat Engineer, so I could talk to these folks. The Army officer told me that he was about to leave Iraq, so his replacement was a Navy officer. Huh? OH... a Navy Sea Bee. They're like Combat Engineers, so I could talk to them if they didn't use too many Navy words like Bow and Aft. (I have no idea which is which, and if I can't see land, I feel lonely.)
So, I reported to this nice Navy O5, Commander. I asked if he knew what we did. He didn't. I explained, he said he'd refer all of that "Stuff I did to me" since I was the expert. I told him that my team and I really needed to "chat" with the locals. He said sure, he had a good security team that could take us out. Navy Sea Bees. Oh wow.
To be cont.
12 May 2008
What story should I tell next?
And Here's a Little Video For My Buddies going to Kosovo...KFOR.
06 May 2008
Sorry, I have no way to do that....
Today's example:
I use the Army's E-mail system for my normal National Guard crap I have to take care of between drills. I can log onto this e-mail from anywhere in the world... However, some months ago, I was told that I "Had to have a Cal Guard account".
So I had an account set up. All my e-mails went to this Cal Guard account and I wondered why nobody was e-mailing me back about important stuff for drills, (like how many bullets we'd need to shoot etc.) I discovered that since I'd had a Cal Guard e-mail account set up, my e-mails were going there.
Problem? I couldn't get into that e-mail account without going to the damn armory and logging onto one of the net work computers. Huh? So, I have to take my own time to drive 20 miles to the friggen armory to check my e-mail on my own time?
I told them to close that account so I could at least check my workable Army e-mail account from home or my "real job".
But I keep getting e-mails from the assholes in Sacramento telling me I have to go online, to there site, from a Cal Guard computer and take some dumb ass test...or I'll be blocked out.
I e-mailed them back and told them I didn't really give a shit. (my exact words) about what they thought I needed to do....
I'm not worried about them reading this because you can't get onto this blog site from the Cal Guard computers....
05 May 2008
This crap will make you crazy!
SUBJ: Policy Implementation - Mental Health Question 21In 2007, Army Cdrs & Army IG reported the negative impact Mental HealthQuestion 21 was having on the willingness of many Soldiers to seek neededmental health treatment.
Q#21 asked: "In the last 7 yrs, have you consultedwith a mental health professional or consulted with another health careprovider about a mental health condition?" Soldiers perceived that if they answer "yes" to Q21, they could jeopardize their ability to obtain or retaina security clearance needed for job performance or continued Army Service.
Army G2 checked with the Army Central Clearance Facility to see how manyclearances were denied or revoked solely on mental health issues, thenumbers revealed: Less than 1/4 of one percent of denied or revoked security clearances over the last 2 yrs were based on Psych issues (@ average 4 peryr). Self-disclosure of mental health treatment was not the deciding factor in clearance revocations & denials--in almost all cases there were unrelated concerns stemming from the clearance investigation process, which guided their judgment in rendering the adjudication denial/revocationdetermination.
In May 07, SECARMY requested SECDEF's personal support to get the Mental Health question eliminated to address Soldier perceptions that seeking mental health counseling could put their careers and service at risk. As a result of Army's efforts with SECARMY and SECDEF support, Question 21has been revised;
OMB will use the revised language on future editions ofSF86, but that will take a while; hence the OSD immediate implementingguidance pending a new form. Until such time, OPM publishes the updated SF-86, Security Managers will advise Army Personnel to use the revised language below when answeringQuestion 21 on the SF-86: --
Mental health counseling in and of itself is not a reason to revoke ordeny a clearance.-- In the last 7 years, have you consulted with a health care professional regarding an emotional or mental health condition or were you hospitalizedfor such a condition?-- Answer "No" if the counseling was for any of the following reasons andwas not court-ordered:- strictly marital, family, grief not related to violence by you; or- strictly related to adjustments form service in a military combat environment. -- If you answered "yes," indicate who conducted the treatment and/orcounseling, provide the following information, and sign the Authorizationfor Release of Medical Information Pursuant to the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).POC is xxxxxx State Security Manager
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
I think what they figured out is a lot of troops going to Iraq are having friends die...and they go to talk to a shrink about it...then they're afraid they'll get axed or something.
HIT & RUN cont....
02 May 2008
Everyone needs training!
From the Cop and Soldier side: One of the things I have learned that make someone a better cop or soldier is good training. In police work we have required training we have to do each month. I the Army National Guard we also have training we have to do each month. All of this training is usually well thought out and planned to make us better at our jobs.
Well, keep in mind that even terrorist asshole insurgents must go to training. However, sometimes their training is not well planned out. Watch the video and wonder who planned this training. I'm sure it will make you very happy.
01 May 2008
This POS can actually fly? CH 46