(U//Unclassified stuff) These are some of the stories from over 30 years of police work and over 20 years of US Army and National Guard adventures. “It’s not an adventure unless some part of it sucks!” ©2007-2013

31 August 2009
The "5" Seasons....
1.) Floods. 2.) Fires. 3.) Earthquakes. 4.) Riots.
Now the fifth- War.
As I was driving home after my cop job today, stuck in the suckass traffic, I heard a story on the news that gave me a flash back. (not a bad one where I whipped out my .45 and starting shooting or anything...more like an old story that came back.)
Around our state there are at least 5 major wild land fires burning. If you've never been to California, you might think the entire state is on fire. Nope, just a few little spots, it's a big ass state. We could let half of it burn and still have a bunch left.
But the news said how the folks in one area were told they needed to evacuate. 5 of them knuckelheads didn't. Then they began crying for help. What these morons didn't understand was now that they waited, some fire fighters would have to risk their lives to go get them out. But, finally somebody in charge had the balls to tell them morons they had to do it on their own.
About 10 years ago, when I was on a flood mission on the Russian River. The locals were told: "It is going to flood. Period, no doubt, it's going to flood. You need to get out now if you are in a flood area because after it floods, we will not do any rescues."
Guess what. Several local dumbasses still called and asked to be rescued. All we had were old 5 ton dump trucks. My truck weighed 28,000 pounds- empty. When I drove a little ways into a flooded area, my truck started to move sideways.
I wasn't about to risk my crew, and myself to try to rescue some retards who waited until it was too late to get out when they were warned ahead of time to get out. Just because they were retards didn't mean we had to join the club.
(I'm sorry if you were under the impression that we all would do crazy shit to save stupid people.)
30 August 2009
Anything for the General sir....
From the Soldier side: My long time readers know that a few months ago I did my 2 week "Summer Camp" for the Army National Guard. One thing I have to make sure everybody knows...this unit I'm with now, is the best unit I've ever worked with, except the Marines in Fallujah, Iraq. It doesn't matter what rank you are, as long as you have your shit together, they will let you do your job. For 4 days I ran the pistol range. I had 4 2nd LTs assigned to "help" me. One LT was my LT, the others were from other platoons.
To me running the range wasn't work, because it's something I enjoy doing. The only "glitch" we had was the day some General needed to qualify on MY range. They gave me about a 2 hour notice, so when his driver rolled up and his aid come up to me to announce the General was there. I walked over and made contact. He seemed like a nice guy. Not too pompas or arrogant....seemed sure of himself. But the thing that made me like him was...he could shoot. He fired perfect for day and night fire.
The last day on the range, my LT was counting the ammo we had left over. He said we had a little over 500 rounds left. He said: "we won't have time to shoot it all up, I guess we'll have to turn it in." This was the first time this LT ever worked on a range....and he'd never seen me shoot. I did my part to help expend all rounds. It was the first time I got to fire the M11 pistol.
A good day at the range is when your trigger finger gets tired.
27 August 2009
How, where, what,,,,you drove that?

25 August 2009
How do you know when training works?

23 August 2009
H.U.A. Drivers
In Calif they passed a "hands free" cell phone law that went into effect early this year. So many people ignore it, that I could easily write 6 or 7 tickets a day for that alone. But, what about all the others who don't seem to be really paying attention either.
They might be turning around to slap the kid in the back seat, reaching over for that foo-foo drink from Starbucks that fell on the floor, changing a CD, or simply driving H.U.A. Head Up Ass.
So, you all know what I'm talking about? If not, you may be the driver who's H.U.A. (Sorry, hope I didn't offend you.)
Now, think about this major driving problem in a place like Iraq. I found when I was there, most drivers didn't even have a driver's license! Nobody cared. Just buy some old P.O.S. car and drive on.
The problem our convoys had was: "how can you tell when a vehicle is speeding toward your truck if the guy is a suicide bomber, or just driving H.U.A?"
Simple. If you wave the driver off, and he keeps coming, you fire a waring shot in front of the car. If he keeps coming, you fire a warning shot into the bumper or hood. If he keeps coming, you open up on the motherfucker with everything you have or you are going to die. By that time, it's usually too late and he's going to crash his bomb filled car into your convoy anyway.
There was a time, when the unit I was with in Baghdad, where the gunners were firing warning shots several times a day.
The chair warming REMF MFs on the camp were getting freaked out...they couldn't understand why anybody would fire so many warning shots. So, they told the gunners to stop.
Now, if you were a smart, but concerned gunner on a convoy and told to stop firing warning shots, what would you do?
They started loading BFRs on the trucks. A BFR is a Big Fucking Rock. And they worked very well as warning shots. Some of the gunners were firing the BFRs on automatic. They would throw one into the car grill, then the hood, then the windshield.
That stopped the HUA drivers.
Then the chair warming REMFs got upset for having to pay for all the Iraqi windshields and told the gunners to go back to firing warning shots.
Still missing the common sense....
21 August 2009
More Common Sense stories....
You mean I could sit on my ass in an office and enjoy A/C all day?
19 August 2009
Common Sense? There's no such thing.
18 August 2009
Some things we can no longer do....

15 August 2009
California guns laws are useless....

14 August 2009
There are some troops with really big ones....EOD.
I was a Combat Engineer many years ago. We built stuff and blew things up. We got to work with explosives from time to time. I loved it. It was too scary for some. I recall in my Engineer course, on the day we were actually going to go blow holes in the ground....most of the students were a little shy. Our first charge was only 2 pounds.....prep the charge, cut the time fuse, put the cap in the charge, tape it up, pull the igniter...walk away. Boom!
After the first blast, about half the students developed a great respect for explosives. When we went to set the next several charges in the hole, fewer and fewer students walked down range with us. By the time we set the last charge of the day, there was one other student, the instructor and me. Everyone else seemed to be a little shy. It is not at all like TV and the movies. You don't have time to run. Det cord "burns" at 27,000 feet per second. Most explosives "burn" around that speed...it's not really burning, it's exploding...can you run that fast? An M-16 bullet goes a little over 3,000 feet per second.
Now...keeping that in mind...think of an Airmen, Soldier, Sailor or Marine dealing with a bomb or mine that some other asshole has put out in the field. Now, you have to go make it safe. I learned 20 ways to booby trap a mine...so bad I couldn't even disarm it if I had to.
Write this down. Anybody who works in EOD for a living has the biggest balls in the world. You will have a hard time finding anybody with more guts.
13 August 2009
Coffee....I need it....

It tasted like shit, but I needed it or I'd go into withdrawals. I had to lead too many troops that day to go down. I would have walked into a minefield for a Starbucks coffee at that time.
12 August 2009
The French did something right?

French pool bars Muslim woman for 'burquini' suit
AP – FILE - In this Feb.15, 2007 file photo, Sama Wareh walks along the sand dressed in swimwear designed …
Slideshow:Muslim 'Burquini'
By MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press Writer Maria Danilova, Associated Press Writer – 13 mins ago
PARIS – A Muslim woman garbed in a head-to-toe swimsuit — dubbed a "burquini" — may have opened a new chapter in France's tussle between religious practices and its stern secular code.
Officials insisted Wednesday they banned the woman's use of the Islam-friendly suit at a local pool because of France's pool hygiene standards — not out of hostility to overtly Muslim garb.
Under the policy, swimmers are not allowed in pools with baggy clothing, including surfer-style shorts. Only figure-hugging suits are permitted.
11 August 2009
So...ya' wanna' dance?
09 August 2009
Counter Battery...or, "How to clean up the town."
From the Soldier side: In July 2005, my team and I were working with the Marines again. I've talked about the Jarheads at Camp Gannon a few times in the past. They had one company of grunts to cover an area that should have had ten times that number. That camp was right in the Syrian border....(remember I've said it was so close I could throw rocks into Syria...and I did just so I could tell the story later.)
06 August 2009
Today's trivia....what is that?

What kind of weapon is the Sarge holding in this photo from Nam in 1968?
04 August 2009
"You think I'd fly your on your airplane without orders?"
03 August 2009
In "Plain Text..."
02 August 2009
Rum & Coke....
I do have friends in different places.... One of them owns a sail boat. Not a very big sail boat, but his boat is big enough to get across Lake Tahoe. So, my sailing lessons were OK, I can follow a compass bearing and all...but one thing I learned that I can carry over to many other parts of my life.
If you ever ride a sail boat...you must drink at least one Rum & Coke.
Funny thing is...in all the places I've ever been, I never actually drank a Rum & Coke. I've had German bier, Bosnia Rockie, Russian Vodka, English Ale, etc.
I like Rum & Coke. And...the fact is...you don't even have to be on a sail boat to have one.