From the Soldier side: Well, this week is almost over. We got out of our "meeting" a little early on the last day, so I took a few minutes to check out some things on the Fort.
I was so happy to find the Museum...they actually had a display for Mess Kits. I'm so proud of my MOS, Mess Kit Repair (MKR) that I just stared at this display for awhile. few people even know what we do. Then of course there's the Tank Plants outside. Well, that's what I told some kids there..."yep, they have special seeds to make them tanks grow."
Seeing that mess kit display made my chest swell with pride and envy for you and all you do. You are an inspiration to all metal managers everywhere. And the tank plants; I’m sure they are nourished daily with gallons of WD40. The look so green and healthy.
Yep...and there's only a few of us Mess Kit Repair soldiers around. A special Group for sure.
And as for what they use to make the tanks's a green army now, so they use organic oil.
Roller Dude, having mess kits in a museum is awesome! Those poor kids probably believed you that those are "tank plants." That's mean and funny at the same time
Cool pics. Sounds like you are pretty busy over there.
I actually wasn't busy. Out of a group of 34+, we had 3 or 4 people do most of the a matter of fact, I'm sure one or two of them have done everything there is to do...including being the door gunner on the space shuttle. They knew everything...if you don't think I'm telling the truth, just ask them. At one point, I was going to volunteer to go back to Iraq to get out of having to listen to some of the people talk for 10 hours a day.
One of my hobbies is to look at somebody in the military and figure out what kind of job they could do outside the military. If it wasn't for civilian jobs for DOD etc, they'ed be janitors.
I like the MKR Creed...
Let there never be a mess kit lost.
So did you tell those kids,
"You start out with a little green plastic Army tank..."?
After the Korean War, my Dad came home with his mess kit. We acually used it when I was growing up on camp outs! He probably still has it --very well taken care of I would suppose.
Anyway, let's see a photo of yours!
The sad part of this is...the Army has done away with Mess Kits. Soon I'll have to retire...but I can always go back to being a Combat Comic. I use my old mess kit for cleaning gun parts.
I think my next post will have something to do with how crappy Delta Airlines is. Disorgainzed, rude, cheap, rude...did I mention Rude?
It was easier when we flew out of Baghdad in 05...and the Zommies were polite.
Nice blog, CI. After our little skirmish at Goomba's, I thought I would stop by. Politics stops for me at the uniform. Thanks for what you have done and what you do.
Rhod, I think us "normal" folks should not let politics get in the way of reality. Some of the sad things about how congress has to pass any bill is...some asshole will want some stupid thing tagged on with building a bridge in Alaska to nowhere.
Hmmm.... we take Delta all the time, living this bicoastal (well not RIGHT now) military life from west to east and vice versa.
Every time I get on, I could swear the seats look like those on a Greyhound Bus.
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