(U//Unclassified stuff) These are some of the stories from over 30 years of police work and over 20 years of US Army and National Guard adventures. “It’s not an adventure unless some part of it sucks!” ©2007-2013
28 February 2009
We still have troops where??? Oh, I didn't know that
I said: "ehhhh, I guess so in the summer...huh?"
They said: "Isn't Bosnia in Africa?"
Oh shit...I forgot how many Americans haven't a clue were other countries are. The other thing a lot of people said before I left was: "I didn't know we still had troops in Bosnia."
I guess most Americans don't really give a crap about where the country sends troops. I expect that's what will happen in Iraq...they'll pull most of the troops out, it'll not be in the headlines anymore and fade away. There will still be a bunch there, but America will soon forget.
I know when I was in Iraq, only about .00001 % of what happened everyday made it into the news back home. On a typical day in 2005, over 145 incidents took place...but the news back home might have reported on one or two things.
I have a bunch of really, really good friends in Kosovo who'll be coming home soon. The exact date can't be told due to "OPSEC", but it'll be soon. They'll be excused from National Guard drills for a few months, but I hope most of them show up and stay in. Guys like John, Darin, Dave, Bert, Ski, Paul, Paul and a few others. Some of these guys I deployed to Bosnia and Iraq with...so it's the third deployment for them. I can't wait to see them.
Oh yeah, we still have troops in places like Kosovo, Iraq, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, etc, etc, etc...
26 February 2009
Yeah, we actually ate that stuff...
A long time ago, when I was in the old Army, we had to eat some canned crap that was issued in a little brown box. This crap was called "C-Rations." I was a skinny kid it those days.
Now they give you some stuff called "MREs" Meals Ready to Eat. It's still crap, but it's all in a different kind of package.
I've read some books about the Civil war, WWI, WWII etc. They all had crappy food for field rations. Why does the Army do that? After over 200 years of tradition unchanged by progress and they still give us crap when we go out in the field.
Oh well, nobody listens to a soldier at my level. Generals pick the crap we get, then the company they gave the bid to gives them a job when they retire. We get so much crap for equipment and software now. Last year when we were doing our 2 weeks of Army training, I had some high ranking computer nerd type officer start to tell me about some new software the Army was working on. He was telling me how it would be able to do the work we do and make things so much better.
I listened as polite as I could, then told him: "Sir, I don't care what kind of computer stuff they come up with, they'll still need people like us to go out into the field and do the job....Sir!"
The Sergeant Major was standing next to the nerd officer...the Sergeant Major wanted to "talk to me" later. He told me that I might have offended the nerd officer when I said they'd still need people like me to go out and get the job done. I looked at the Sergeant Major and said: "Sorry, but it's the truth."
The Army can give you hard tack & beef jerky with pork fat, they can give you C-Rations, they can give you MREs. But, what they'll never be able to replace is the Soldier who has to go out on foot and get the job done. Whatever the job is.
19 February 2009
A MINE is a terrible thing to waste!
16 February 2009
Sometimes, I'm a dumb a---
12 February 2009
The 2nd Admendment to the US.......
06 February 2009
How we talked to the Iraqi folks
05 February 2009
Dumb Question Award
Like today for example. I was dispatched to a "medical aid" call. It was no big deal cause I didn't have to blow into a dead person's mouth or stop a sucking chest wound from bleeding out...
Nope, just a simple call. The usual gang from the Fire Department shows up...they always send a big ass fire engine cause' that's all the have to go places in. Then the meat wagon, excuse me, I mean the "Rescue Paramedics" show up with another truck.
Both of these vehicles are usually left running so the battery won't die cause' they leave all kinds of flashing pretty lights and stuff on.
I go help the poor lady who was having a bad day....then the fire dudes show up. Every thing's going good. Then some "crazy lady" (you can tell they are crazy because they look crazy) shows up...and she says to me: "Officer, I need to ask you a question..."
Like it was really urgent or something....and there we were doing stuff.
So I step away from the patient and fire dudes and go to the lady who looks crazy and she says: "why do they leave the engines running... the fire department left the engines running and people have to walk past those trucks and I think they're wasting fuel...and they shouldn't do that."
I took a breath, counted to 10, so I didn't slap the dumbass. (good for her and good for me.)
I gave her some answer that even impressed the fire dudes who were also thinking of slapping her for getting in the way...and the dumbass lady left.
If you know someone who is a dumbass...please tell them to not come up to a medical emergency etc and ask stupid questions...for it might be my last day at work before I retire and I might slap the shit out of them.