08 December 2008

Why I'm going to h.....

From the Soldier side: The photo on the left is a special group of folks...this is most, but not all of the group I went to Bosnia with, then we deployed to Iraq less than 6 months after we were home. This photo is missing a few who were wounded, and one or two others. This photo was taken on our very last day in Iraq....a great day in Nov 2005.
There's one guy missing who was wounded who, well...how can I explain...but he's a type of person that if you knew him, you'd soon learn to not trust him...and even to hate him. It would take hours to tell of all the self serving things he did in both Bosnia and Iraq. He was an NCO...but he didn't take care of his troops. He took care of himself. Since I don't want to take hours, I'll just tell a few stories of things he did to earn our dis-respect.
He would put himself first for any equipment or items that were issued...he'd even try to get in front of the entire company by saying he had something to do and was in a hurry. But, the worst of all... when his team was sent out "west" and was supposed to go outside the camp...he went out on 2 missions.
It was scary outside the wire...soldiers and Marines were getting shot everyday....it was bad. So the third trip he was supposed to go on...he made it to the gate. Then he pulled over and opened the hood on his Humvee...pretending that something was wrong with the engine. The rest went on without him and his team---as soon as the convoy was out of sight, he closed the hood, started his vehicle and drove back to his hooch.
Well, the Army really needed his team to go out on missions....so what did he do? He sent his junior NCO and E-4's out on their own without him. He said he had a lot of "admin stuff" to do and couldn't be bothered by actually going out on missions.
He had a good team who knew what had to be done and did it without him, while he'd sleep in late everyday and not do a damn thing....
To be cont.....


Anonymous said...

I believe Tony, my hubs, refers to these particular sorts as shitbirds.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, cute picture...in an OPSEC sorta way.

He must be the lowest form of life...pathetic.
...Oh,wait, I know him! Yep, pathetic.

...uh, soldier, you're finishing this story TOMORROW, right? Always leavin' us hangin'...

Sergeant Grumpy said...

What an SOB, and he was always talking so much shit in Bosnia. Isn't always the gung-ho who turn out chicken shit. We had one guy when we were training up - all he wanted to do was "be in one big firefight", he was so upset he "missed Falluja", and where did he end up? Behind a desk in Baghdad while the rest of us went out almost every day.