20 October 2011

Leadership....something you have to work at to be good.

From the Cop and the Soldier side:  Many years ago when I was a Private in the Regular Army, I never considered that someday I’d be a leader of men and women.  Later, when I became a civilian cop, I again never thought of someday becoming a Sergeant. 

But…it happened.  In many cases, I was thrown into a leadership job because there was nobody else competent….or in some cases the supervisor was “relieved of command” and they put me in charge.  I never turned down a leadership job, but I never cut somebody’s throat to get a leadership job either. 

Some people have said: “he or she was born a leader.” 
Can you figure out what gun this is?

Not true.  You have to have some experiences in life to be a leader.  A leadership school can give you some ideas and tools, but it really can’t make you a leader.   Yelling and acting like an asshole may work for a short time, but sooner or later, somebody will frag you. 

Here’s a short, cheap book that might help some.  This book will NEVER be used in any military or police leadership schools.  But it’s got some rough basic concepts. 

It' s in the Kindle format, and if you don't have a Kindle, it can be down loaded on any computer or Ipad. 


Coffeypot said...

I don't need the book anymore. I'm reited and do not 'boss' anyone anymore. I am 'bossed' by Judy. Maybe she needs to read it.

Unknown said...

Done! I'll start reading tomorrow!

CI-Roller Dude said...

Maybe you should write your own book..."Coffey Pot's rules of bossing."

Suz, it's quick.

Anonymous said...

It's a Thompson. :)

...Verified by the image file name. Haha.

Unknown said...

I haven't done the suggested reading, but I would also like to use Bad Leadership as motivation and example of how to be a good leader. I can think on several occasions of someone else's examples of What NOT To Do was enough to teach me a leadership lesson.

For example the HS Freshman substitute teacher who didn't lock the classroom door when she left for lunch. She also wasn't the first one in the room after lunch. As a result the Freshman covered EVERY surface with spermicidal condoms. What did the Sub do? She cried, leaving the class unattended for the hour. This story holds copious amounts of WHAT NOT TO DO. It almost blows my mind, hence helping my personal leadership skills when dealing with teenagers.

Anonymous said...

1. It's good.
2. Looks like a Thompson.
3. All my leadership assignments came when I was about ready for them -capable of doing the job, but not particularly eager. Lucky in that.
4. In the USMC, as an officer, the big mistake I made was in pushing my smart kids into leadership positions.
5. Had an exaggerated notion of the utility of intelligence in the Infantry profession.
6. Wound up with a bunch of corporals who could do everything I asked of them except lead. Sort of USMC Infantry nerds, I guess.
7. Had to give them away to other agencies (fleet assistance program or FAP)who could use a smart troop. Wasn't their fault.
8. You'd think after many years of enlisted service I would have known better.
9. Had to learn to spot my leaders as they emerged from the ranks and accept what showed up, warts and all.
10. The trick was engaging those troops and encouraging them to use what they had on behalf of the unit. It's easier and more comfortable to lounge in the ranks, do what you are told and carp about the failings of your superiors. Did a lot of that, myself.
11. Will pass on discussing the rewards end of the deal.
12. The ultimate goal is coming off the battlefield victorious and alive -a lot of folks, myself included, have been highly motivated to step into the traces, to keep our worthless hides intact.
13. Not a factor at Camp Hansen, Okinawa or Pendleton.
14. Think you have better material these days as all the services are more choosy -they can be, given the Godforsaken economy.
15. You want a clue (reminder for us geezers) what goes on in the ranks, read Terminal Lance.
16. Written by an ex-Marine, with two deployments under his belt. A little gritty, but to those who can remember with some clarity, evidence that things haven't changed all that much.
17. Highly recommend your manual.
V/R JWest

Momma Fargo said...

I found this awesome. But what I got the most out of this? YOU have a Kindle? Tell me it's not true...lol

CI-Roller Dude said...

KD, That's really how to be a good leader---do the opposite of what bad leaders do...simple!

Anoy, Yes it is a Tommy Gun- wish I could own one I love them! And your insights are always great to hear!

MF- YES I have a Kindle and I can actually find a use for an I Pad! I had the early computers where we had to use cassettes...and I've owned one ever since. I was the cop trying to tell the Chief in the 1980's we'll need to get computers for police work someday.