25 August 2010

Run to the sound of fire.

From the Soldier side: Now that I am about to retire from the California Army National Guard, I can relax a little. Maybe I can take some of those weekends I had to go to drill and get my book written. Maybe I’ll get a medical marijuana card and smoke weed and forget the last 30 something years….nah. I like the folks I met too much to ever forget them.
I originally joined the US Army right as the Viet Nam war was ending. 1974.  It was “safe” to join in those days because the worst thing that could happen to a soldier was getting too drunk and being run over by a bus. I think that’s why I got out after only a few years. I thought we’d never go to war again…and I was bored to death. You can only “train for war” so many times and then do nothing. I was a very well trained killer.  When I got out, I figured a former grunt could become a hit man for the Mafia or become a cop.  The cops have a better medical plan. 
Last weekend, as I was pondering my last bus ride back to our home unit…I looked around me. I was sitting with some really good folks. Think about this for a minute. If you knew that you were joining or staying in an organization where you had a very good chance of getting deployed to war…would you have joined or stayed in?  (All of these men and woman either joined after Nine Eleven or re-enlisted!) 

In many cases the answer was not only “no” but “HELL NO!”

After NINE ELEVEN, anybody who joined or remained in the armed services of the United States of America had to know that sooner or later they’d have to go to war. Yeah, I know there are a few jobs that might keep some in the states…but most are in a job (MOS) that will require them to deploy..or they have deployed and will deploy again.

Why? I just saw some fuckinghippie protesters on some video. They were protesting the war (not sure which one, good they have choices now days). Good for them. Just don’t fuck with the troops. Some of them fuckinghippies claim to have been in the military. Some were, and some are fullofshit.

The troops I know and worked with in many cases, felt bad because they have not yet deployed. They often looked at those of us who had deployed and applied our trade in a hostile place with envy or admiration. They asked me so many times: “how did you do this in Bosnia or Iraq?” They want to do a good job…some of them have volunteered to go just so they could know what we did I guess.  They are heroes!

I am proud to have worked with all of them. They are brave, they are good, they will save the world. The fuckinghippies will still do stupid shit and be annoying and there will be those that sleep well at night knowing that there are those who will fight on their behalf.

If you are a cop or in the military, or just have a chance to watch…the next time there is gun fire, a car crashing, a building on fire or some other mess, watch and see who runs towards it and who runs away. Those running towards it are the ones I want on my team.

When the Humvee comes to a stop, we’re taking the door on the right, follow me.”


Saker said...

I can't picture the Army not being at war. We've been at war since I was 13. Joining the Army to sit here in the States and do nothing seems kind of pointless.

Haha, it's okay. If I keep asking, someone will send me to Afghanistan just to get rid of me.

Red said...

Great post! Thank you so much for your service to our country... that sounds trite but I mean it. And now you need to try to enjoy your retirement, Dude

CI-Roller Dude said...

I'm pretty sure if you have the right MOS, they'll be happy to take you...if you don't, you can always volunteer to get on a gun. We had lots of folks not working their "normal" MOS on the gun, or driving us around....had some "killer cooks".

I was lucky to have known so many good troops..

Coffeypot said...

I'm fortunate enough to still, after 45 years, get to see the guys I served with. No bond in the world like it. I hope your transition and withdrawal will be swift and easy. Thanks!

Saker said...

We'll see what happens, CIRoller.

But, in the meantime, please keep the blog going! Thanks for all your years in the Army, and all the people you trained, but I still want to hear about the cop side!

Anonymous said...

1. Moving toward the sound of fire is something you've spent a lifetime doing.
2. Think for most, it's a matter of training, then opportunity, then decent to good leadership.
3. Getting mortared and rocketed on the firebase, the grunts would be angry and wanting to go after the dirt bags that were firing us up.
4. The REMFs tended to be resigned to sitting in the bunker and waiting things out.
5. Have been out to pasture for quite a few years now. Depending on someone else for protection is sort of like cutting them off and handing them over to the civil authorities. Sucks, but there it is.
6. BTW, as far as the REMF stuff goes: after 40 years, all that matters is that you were there.
V/R JWest

CI-Roller Dude said...

I'm hoping I can get a job training as a civilian now. Not so much for the money, but to help.

Sak, I'll keep writing if people keep readin'.

Each time we got mortared or shot at in Iraq, I was usually pissed.
One time, I was able to return the favor with a gun ship doing our work. That bunch never fired on the FOB again after that.

Kanani said...

Thank you for your service. Nice music, by the way.

I had quite a time last weekendmocking the fuckinghippies. They are a hypocritical bunch. I have no use for most of them. Well, they do make good bread, good coffee, and do nice things like run yoga studios, but most know better than to bring up politics with me.

lorraine said...

CI: Thank you for being willing to run toward the guns. I tend to run toward the blood as I am a nurse and when there is work to be done I know I can do it. I talked to a recruiter (I was 60 then) he laughed. As I age it is more difficult to do the 3rd world stuff I could do in my younger days. I stay home to care for the aged here as someone needs to be here for them. My son serves and I am very proud of him. He is an officer but someone has to deliver the beans and bullets to the guys on the ground. As long as we are all concious of what is going on in the world and don't let it slide out of sight out of mind and attend to our work with a prayer on our hearts fot those running toward the guns, fire and blood, we are part of the whole. Keep up your blog - not all of us comment but many read and your perspective is very important to the larger picture. Thank you again and find the work you want to do to fill up the urge to serve.

CI-Roller Dude said...

You're doing a great service...we all hope to get old. As far as your son delivering the beans & bullets...I wish our supply was that good when we first got to Iraq...I had to ride up to the Battle of Fallujha with 30 rounds of 5.56 and 5 rounds of 9mm. For a shooter, that was not cool.